The Alberta Society of Plastic Surgeons is also known as the Section of Plastic Surgery of the Alberta Medical Association. The Society has over 60 members, and only those accredited in plastic surgery by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada may join. Our membership provides the entire spectrum of plastic-surgical procedures for children and adults, with members operating in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Banff, Canmore, and Camrose.

Our members are committed to providing the best plastic-surgical care available worldwide. The Society supports this goal by holding an annual meeting for its members where information on the most up-to-date practices and procedures are shared. We provide modest support to research and plastic surgery missions conducted by our members, and we are also devoted to training tomorrow’s plastic surgeons by supporting training programs at the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary.

Below are links to other Societies in which our members are also listed.

Alberta Medical Association

Canadian Medical Association

Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons

Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons

American Society of Plastic Surgeons

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery

There’s a plastic surgeon near you

Looking for a plastic surgeon in Alberta? Below you will find the websites and contact information for every certified plastic surgeon across the province.

If a practitioner in Alberta claims to offer plastic surgery or similar procedures but is not listed on this site, they are not a certified plastic surgeon.

In Canada, a plastic surgeon is a surgical specialist who has:

  • received a medical degree,
  • completed a minimum of 5 years of study and training in an accredited plastic surgery program,
  • demonstrated successful completion of training,
  • passed a rigorous examination process in plastic surgery administered by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and
  • been deemed qualified and certified to practice reconstructive and aesthetic (cosmetic) plastic surgery.

All criteria must be met for the practitioner to be considered a plastic surgeon.


Trevor Brooks

Stephen Cassar


Brandon Ball

Feng Chong

David Edwards               

Martin Guiffre

Regan Guilfoyle

Lisa Korus

Peter Kwan

Adil Ladak

Gary Lobay

Gorman Louie

Blair Mehling

Michael Morhart

Jaret Olson

Timothy Riegel

Paul Schembri

Jonathan Toy

Ted Tredget

Gordon Wilkes

James Wolfli

Joshua Wong

Jay Zhu



Ramon Grover

John Hasell

Matthew Secretan



Robert Furness

Dave Mcdonald

Rodrigo Neira

Kirsten Westberg


Elizabeth Hall-Findlay

Tom Sinclair



Jevon Brown

Brett Byers

Earl Campbell

Vick Chahal

Jeffrey Dawes

Jocelyn Dilay

Ryan Frank

Frankie Fraulin

William de Haas

George Hamilton

Robertson Harrop

Mark Haugrud

Doug Humphreys

James Kennedy

Jonathan Lee

Alan Lin

Robert Lindsay

Fred Loiselle

Susan Maclennan

Jennifer Matthews

C. David Mckenzie

Donald McPhalen

Duncan Nickerson

Wayne Perron

Kimberly Sass

Christiaan Schrag

Claire Temple-Oberle

Paul Whidden

Farrah Yau

Justin Yeung



Diane Wong